2024-10-09 08:54:30
作者: 錢乘旦
直布羅陀的面積只有2.5平方英里,到艾德禮政府時期,人口也不過2.5萬人。1704年英國奪取了這一戰略據點,1713年的《烏特勒支條約》確認了英國對這一殖民地的所有權。在英國殖民統治的過程中,直布羅陀的人口構成發生了很大變化,西班牙人逐步遷出,熱那亞人大量遷入,到二戰之後,直布羅陀的居民主要是熱那亞人,但直布羅陀的食品供應基本來自西班牙。二戰後西班牙再次提出對直布羅陀的主權要求。但直布羅陀對英國戰略地位非常重要,它是英國的海空軍基地,是連接大西洋與地中海的咽喉,英國希望繼續占據直布羅陀,特別是控制直布羅陀的防務。[70]由於直布羅陀的人口結構,大部分當地人不願意歸屬西班牙。[71]因此,英國以「民意」為理由維持直布羅陀與西班牙的分離。195 0年,英國在直布羅陀成立了一個擁有有限權力的立法理事會。這一做法招致西班牙的激烈反對,西班牙擔心,如果英國的政策得以貫徹,直布羅陀將走向獨立,從而永遠與西班牙脫離關係。西班牙政府開始對直布羅陀與西班牙之間的旅行與貿易進行限制。英國殖民大臣提議對西班牙進行報復,例如限制西班牙人在英國的旅行等。英國外交大臣則建議把政治與經濟策略分開,提出儘量減少直布羅陀在經濟上對西班牙的依賴,在政治上則表明英國對維持這一地區的堅定態度。外交大臣的建議得到內閣的支持。[72]到1957年,英國仍然在上述政策指導下繼續控制直布羅陀。西班牙提出一個折中的要求:直布羅陀的主權回歸西班牙,但英國可以租借該地。英國仍然拒絕,提出的理由是,如果英國放棄直布羅陀,直布羅陀很快就會像西班牙南部某些地區那樣變成貧民窟。實際上,英國是擔心其防務利益以及威望受損。在西班牙的頻繁要求下,英國決定推動直布羅陀向城市國家方向發展。[73]1960年,英國殖民部認為只要不損害英國的利益,直布羅陀可以自治,英國只保留它的防務與外交權力,以及在緊急狀態下接管行政機構的權力。[74]據此精神,1964年英國為直布羅陀制定了一部新的憲法,直布羅陀人的自治權擴大了。西班牙認為英國政府的做法不過是為直布羅陀的獨立或者民族自決做準備,從1964年開始,西班牙政府再次限制西班牙與直布羅陀之間的聯繫,例如強化過境檢查,加強關稅與安全檢查等。英國殖民大臣格林伍德強調西班牙的行為就是反對英國本身,因而不肯向西班牙示弱。[75]但是,繼續在直布羅陀進行殖民統治會削弱英國在聯合國的地位,為應付聯合國的壓力,英國決定把責任推給直布羅陀的當地居民。英國政府宣布將根據直布羅陀人的民意來決定其未來地位,只要直布羅陀人願意合併到西班牙,英國將不會阻攔。實際上,基於直布羅陀的人口構成,其結果一定是英國期望的獨立。在隨後的全民公決中,絕大多數直布羅陀人反對與西班牙合併,而願意與英國維持聯繫。但是全民公決並沒有解決問題,西班牙不承認公投的結果,而且拉美地區的許多國家與大多數阿拉伯國家都站在西班牙的一邊。[76]在此後的談判中,雖然英國與西班牙的關係有所緩和,但直布羅陀的歸屬問題至今都未解決。
在英屬宏都拉斯(自治後改名貝里斯)的歸屬問題上,英國與瓜地馬拉也展開了激烈交鋒。英國是從西班牙手中奪得英屬宏都拉斯的。英屬宏都拉斯與瓜地馬拉接壤,瓜地馬拉從獨立伊始就要求獲得英屬宏都拉斯的主權。1945年,瓜地馬拉頒布新憲法,宣布英屬宏都拉斯是瓜地馬拉不可分割的一部分。在其他國家對英國殖民地的主權索求上,英國認為有些改變是可行的,例如,把太平洋上的一些島國交給紐西蘭,因為這樣的行動實際上並不改變英國在該地的地位,但有些主權索求是不能同意的,例如瓜地馬拉對英屬宏都拉斯的要求,因為英國在這裡的地位將會不同。[77]實際上,英國政府早就把英屬宏都拉斯限定在西印度聯邦的規劃中,通過把英屬宏都拉斯放在西印度聯邦中就可以阻止瓜地馬拉的主權要求。[78]但英屬宏都拉斯對西印度聯邦的態度冷淡,瓜地馬拉則認為這表明英屬宏都拉斯對英國不滿。不過,瓜地馬拉的理解是錯誤的,1957年12月,英屬宏都拉斯立法委員會宣布繼續效忠英王,並期望英國政府授予其自治地位,同時反對任何其他國家對宏都拉斯的主權要求。1958年,英屬宏都拉斯的領導人提出自治要求,同時表示願意成為中美洲自由共和國大家庭中的一員。英國支持英屬宏都拉斯並表態:「只要情況許可,英國就會儘快在英屬宏都拉斯建立自治政府,然後讓其儘快獨立。」英國之所以這樣做,是因為它認為即使瓜地馬拉的主權要求沒有得到滿足,瓜地馬拉發動戰爭的可能性也不是很大。[79]1964年英屬宏都拉斯實現了內部自治,並於1973年改名為貝里斯。瓜地馬拉認為這是英屬宏都拉斯分離的信號,因而激烈反對,但又一直不接受英國把英屬宏都拉斯問題提交國際仲裁的建議。[80]在英國的影響下,聯合國於1975 年承認貝里斯有民族自決與獨立的權利。雖然瓜地馬拉堅決反對,貝里斯還是於1981年宣布獨立,並加入大英國協。
[1] Frank Heinlein,British Government Policy and Decolonization 1945-1963: Scrutinizing the Official Mind,London,2002,p.59.
[2] [Grants-in-aid to the federal government of the West Indies]: letter from P.Rogers (CO) to A.D.Peck (T),25 Sept.1957,CO 1031/2880,no 26,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.749-750.
[3] West India Royal Commission Report,1938-1939,Cmd,6607,London,1945,p.373,recited in Howard Johnson,「The British Caribbean from Demobilization to Constitutional Decolonization」,in The Oxford History of the British Empire,IV: the Twen tieth Century,Oxford,1998,p.614.
[4] [Constitutional reform and federation in the West Indies]: COnote of a departmental meeting following Sir C.Parkinson's visit to the West Indies,12 Jan.1943,CO 318/453/18,no 39,in S.R.Ashton and S.E.Stockwell,IPCP,Vol.I,London,1996,pp.343-345.
[5] [Federatio n of the West Indies]: minute by P.Rogers on the 「increasing urgency」of the question of West Indian unity [extract],13 Jan.1944,CO 318/453/ 18,in S.R.Ashton and S.E.Stockwell,IPCP,Vol.I,London,1996,pp.366-368.
[6] 「Federation of the West Indies」: memorandum by P.Rogers on the governors』 replies to Mr Stanley's dr aft despatch,14 Dec.1944,CO 318/453/18,no 98,in S.R.Ashton and S.E.Stock well,IPCP,Vol.I,pp.382-391.
[7] Howard Johnson,「The British Caribbean from Demobilization to Constitutional Decolonization」,in The Oxford History of the British Empire,IV: the Twentieth Century,Oxford,19 98,pp.616-617.
[8] 「Feder ation of West Indies」: memorandum by P.Rogers (CO),12 Feb.1946,CO 318/466/2,no 9,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.123-130.
[9] [West Indies Colonies]: record by A.M.MacKintosh of a COdepartmental meeting to discuss P.Rogers's memorandum on federation,4 Sept.1946,CO 318/466/2,no 19,in R.Hya m,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.130-134.
[10] [Proposed conference on closer Association of British West Indian colonies]: circular dispatch from Mr Creech Jones to West Indian governors,14 feb.1947,CO 318/466/2,nos 45-48,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.134-136.
[11] [Montego Bay Conference]: Inward telegram no 940 from Mr Creech Jones to CO,reporting his impressions,12 Sept.1947,CO 318/483/5,no 219,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.136-137.
[12] 「Report of Standing Closer Association Committee: summary and comment」: CO West Indian Dept paper,2 Dec.1949,T 220/359/IF 38/588/01,pp.5-15,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.142-150.
[13] 「West Indian Federation Conference」: general brief by COfo r ministers,Mar.1953,T 220/360,pp.59-62,in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.I I,pp.357-360.
[14] 「Latin American hostility to West Indian Federatio n」: briefing paper circulated by FO Information Policy Department,July 1953,CO 1027/38,no 50,in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.II,pp.360-361.
[15] 「Discussions with delegations from the British Wes t Indies」: Cabinet Economic Policy Committee minutes on West Indian acc ess to the United Kingdom market,2 June 1954,CAB 134/850,EA 14(54),in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.III,pp.77-79.
[16] 「Future co nstitutional development in the colonies」: report (COprint,GEN 174/01 2) of the officials』 committee (chairman,Sir N.Brook) (CO(0)(57)5),May 1957,CAB 134/1551,CPC (57)27,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CG EE2,Vol.I,London,2000,p.25.
[17] 張順洪等:《大英帝國的瓦解——英國的非殖民化與香港問題》,社會科學文獻出版社,1997年,第82-83頁。
[18] 「British Guiana」: Cabinet memorandum by Mr Lyttelton on the consti tutional crisis,30 Sept.1953,CAB 129/63,C (53)261,in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.II,p.362.
[19] 「British Guiana」: cabinet concl usions on the constitutional crisis,2 Oct.1953,CAB 128/26/2,CC 54 (53)4,in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.II,p.363.
[20] 「Future constitutional development in the co lonies」: report (COprint,GEN 174/012) of the officials』 committee(chairman,Sir N.Brook) (CO(0)(57)5),May 1957,CAB 134/1551,CPC (57)27,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,p.25.
[21] [Grants-in-aid to the federal government of the West Indies]: letter from P.Rogers (CO) to A.D.Peck (T),25 Sept.195 7,CO 1031/2880,no 26,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,200 0,pp.749-750.
[22] [Future of the Federation,after Mr Manley's statement on Jamaica]: minutes by G.W.Jamieson and P.J.Kitcatt (CO),12-13 June 1959,CO 1031/2574,no 105,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.762-763.
[23] [timet able for independence after a breakdown of West Indies Federation]: min ute from Mr Macleod to Lord Home,5 Nov.1959,CO 1031/2311,no 60,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.774-775.
[24] [West In dies: announcement about dominion status]: letter from Mr Amery (for Sof S) to Lord Hailes (West Indies).Minutes by P.Rogers and G.W.Jamies on,4 Jan.1960,CO 1031/2311,no 68,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.776-779.
[25] S.R.Ashton and S.E.Stockwell,IPCP,Vol.I,London,1996,pp.xl iv-xlv,lvii-lviii.
[26] [Implications of Jamaica referendum-withdrawal from Federation]: Cabinet conclusions,28 Sept.19 61,CAB 128/35/2,CC 52(61)4,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,Lo ndon,2000,pp.785-786.
[27] [Future developments in the West Indies]: Minut es of Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee meeting,2 Feb.1962,CAB 134/1561,CPC 3(62)1,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,p.788.
[28] [Implications of Jamaica referendum-withdrawal from federati on]: Cabinet conclusions,28 Sept.1961,CAB 128/35/2,CC 52(61)4,in Rona ld Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.785-786.
[29] 「Federation of the Eight」: brief for Sof Sb y L.B.Walsh Atkins (CRO) on Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee memorand um,10 Apr.1962,DO 200/111,no 2,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.789-791.
[30] [West Indies: possible 「Federation of the Eight」]: Minutes of Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee meeting,11 Apr.1962,C AB 134/1561,CPC 8(62),in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,London,2000,pp.791-793.
[31] [Associated status]: letter from Mr Stewart to Mr Lusk explaining the proposed arrangements and appealing for USsupport,29 Apr.1966,FO 371/18 4566,no 54,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,London,2004,pp.88-90.
[32] 「British Guiana」: note by Mr Greenwood to Mr Wilson o n his recent visit to British Guiana and proposing that independence mig ht be granted in 1966,22 Mar.1965,PREM 11/137,pp 68-74,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,London,2004,pp.81-85.
[33] [Possible Association of Grenada and St Vincent with Guyana]: letter from E.A.W.Bullock to K.G.Ritchie (Georgetown),14 Sept.1967,FCO 43/34,no 12,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,London,2004,pp.96-99.
[34] Minute,「British Guiana Independence」,Chancellor of Exchequer to Prime Minister,11 Jan.1962,recited in Frank Heinlein,British Government Policy and Decolonization 1945-1963: Scrutinizing the Official Mind,London,2002,p.266.
[35] 「USaid proposals for the Caribbean」: COnote on a new American initiative,Minute by Miss M.Z.Terry,Dec.1964,CO 1031/4706,no 37,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,London,2004,pp.76-81.
[36] 麥金太爾認為正是澳大利亞與紐西蘭的介入才推遲了太平洋島國殖民地的獨立進程。W.David Mcintyre,「Australia,New Zealand,and the Pacific Islands」,in The Oxford History of the British Empire,IV: the Twentieth Century,Oxfor d,1998,p.680.
[37] H.G.Gregory-Smith to High Commissioner,25 Nov.1950,C O 537/7417,recited in W.David Mcintyre,「Australia,New Zealand,and the Pacific Islands」,in The Oxford History of the British Empire,IV: the Twe ntieth Century,Oxford,1998,p.686.
[38] [Fiji]: Despatch from Governor Sir A.Grantham to Mr Hall on c onstitutional amendments proposed by the European Electors』 Association,minutes by J.B.Sidebotham and Mr Creech Jones,10 May 1946,CO 83/239/4,n o 1,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.160-166.
[39] [Fiji]: Minutes b y J.M.Kisch and Sir C.Jeffries on lack of demand for effective constitut ional reform,1 Jan.-29 Mar.1950,CO 83/253/2,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.1 81-182.
[40] 「The colonial empire t oday: summary of our main problems and policies」: CO International Rela tions Dept paper.Annex: some facts illustrating progress to date,May 195 0,CO 537/5698,no 69,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.I,pp.348-349.
[41] [New Hebrides]: Minutes by J.S.Bennett,Sir T.Lloyd,Mr Thomas and Mr Creech Jones on future admi nistration,5 June-14 Aug.1947,CO 537/3375,pp 9-14,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.II I,pp.170-175.
[42] 「The colonial empire today: summary of our main problems a nd policies」: CO International Relations Dept paper.Annex: some facts i llustrating progress to date,May 1950,CO 537/5698,no 69,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.I,pp.349-350.
[43] [New Hebrides]: Letter from J.B.Sidebetham to J.W.Russell (F O) on future administration of condominium,23 Dec.1948,CO 537/4002,no 6,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.178-181.
[44] 「Constit utional developments in the smaller colonial territories-Defence aspects」: report to COSby JPS (annex),for reply to the Committee of Inquiry,19 Nov.1949,DEFE 4/26,JP (49)144,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.IV,pp.221-229.
[45] 「Interim recom mendations to the Sof Sfor the colonies by the Committee of Inquiry in to constitutional development in the smaller colonial territories」 (ch airman: Sir J.F.Rees),Mar.1951,CO 967/146,no I,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.IV,p p.229-234.
[46] David Goldsworthy,C GEE1,Vol.II,pp.167-404.
[47] [Smaller territories]: minute by Mr Hopkinson on the need for a po licy for the smaller colonial territories,31 Oct.1954,CO 1032/54,in Davi d Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.II,p.59.
[48] 「Smaller colonial territorie s」: Cabinet memorandum by Mr Lennox-Boyd,appendices,27 Sept.1955,CAB 12 9/77,CP (55) 133,in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.II,pp.60-68.
[49] Macmillan to Si r R.Scott,9 Sept.1955,Foreign secretary's private office papers,FO 800/6 67,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,p.lxxix.
[50] J.W.庫爾特:《斐濟現代史》,吳江霖、陳一百譯,廣東人民出版社,1976年,第86-87、1 04等頁。
[51] 「New Hebrides Co ndominium」: minutes of Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee Meeting,15 Dec.1958,CAB 134/1557.CPC 15(58)2,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.II,pp.708-710.
[52] 「The Solomon Islands and t he New Hebrides」: brief for Lord Home by J.Chadwich (CRO),minutes by A.W.Snelling and Lord Home,29 June 1959,DO 35/8095,Nos 3 and 5,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.II,pp.710-711.
[53] 「Future of the British territories in the Sout h-West Pacific」: COmemorandum.Minutes by D.J.Derx,P.Rogers and Sir H.Poynton,22 Oct.1959,CO 1036/331,no 22,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.II,p.720.
[54] 「The British colonies in the South Pacific」: COnote on conta ct with Australia and New Zealand.Annex: analysis by territory,Aug .1963,DO 169/185,no 171,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.II,pp.721-724.
[55] 「Fiji: final despatch before indep endence」: despatch from Sir R.Foster to Sir A.Douglas-Home,8 Oct.1970,F CO 32/606,no 1,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.266-275.
[56] 「The British colonies in the South Pac ific」: COnote on contact with Australia and New Zealand.Annex: analysi s by territory,Aug .1963,DO 169/185,no 171,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.II,pp.721-724.
[57] 「Tonga's independence」: despatch from Sir A.Galsworthy (Wellington) to Sir A.Douglas-Home,[extract],8 July 1970,FCO 32/752,no 1,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.260-265.
[58] 「Australia and the British Pacific dependencies」: minute by F.H.Brown,6 May 1969,FCO 32/499,no 9,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.259-260.
[59] 「Western Pacific constitutiona l development」: minute by R.N.Posnett,annex: 「the outlook for the Brit ish dependent territories in the Pacific」,29 Oct.1970,FCO 32/744,no 2,i n S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.275-278.
[60] 「The New Hebrides」: Minute by Eleanor J.Emery on the problems facing the UKin the administration of the condominium,3 Aug .1971,FCO 32/827,no 93,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.281-285.
[61] 「Smaller c olonial territories」: Cabinet memorandum by Mr Lennox-Boyd,appendices,2 7 Sept.1955,CAB 129/77,CP (55) 133,in David Goldsworthy,CGEE1,Vol.II,p p.60-68.
[62] 「Maldive Islands」: Cabinet conclusions about establishment of an air staging-post at Gan,Ju ne 1959,CAB 128/33,CC 37(59)3,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,p.244.
[63] 「Ceylon: the Maldi ve Islands achieve full independence」: despatch from Sir M.Walker (Col ombo) to Mr Bottomley,7 Sept.1965,DO 196/270,no 271,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.241-245.
[64] 「The future of British colonial territories」: COme morandum.Annex: 「likely future status」,27 Sept.1963,FO 371/172610,no 1 3,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,pp.221-220.
[65] 「Defence facilities in the Indian Ocean」: Joint memorandum by Mr Stewart and Mr Healey for Ca binet Defence and Oversea Policy Committee,7 Apr.1965,CAB 148/20,OPD (6 5)68,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.236-240.
[66] 「Mauritiu s」: Commonwealth Office brief for Mr Thomson on the problems surroundin g independence,Nov.1967,FCO 32/318,no 13,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.245-250.
[67] 「Futu re of the remaining British colonial territories」: minute of 26 May by Mr Greenwood circulated to the Oversea Policy and Defence Committee by Sir B.Trend,31 May 1965,CAB 148/21,OPD (65)89,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Lou is,ESC,Vol.III,p.9.
[68] 「Defence facilities in the Indian Ocean」: joint memorandum by Mr Stewart and Mr Healey for Cabine t Defence and Oversea Policy Committee,7 Apr.1965,CAB 148/20,OPD (65)6 8,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,p.236.
[69] [Seychelles]: letter from Sir B.Greatba ch to D.A.Scott on elections in the Seychelles and the future status of the territory,12 Nov .1970,FCO 32/776,no 1,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,E SC,Vol.III,pp.254-255.
[70] 「Constitutional developments in the smaller colonial terri tories-Defence aspects」: report to COSby JPS (annex),for reply to the Committee of Inquiry,19 Nov.1949,DEFE 4/26,JP (49)144,in R.Hyam,LGEE 1,Vol.IV,p.223.
[71] 「The colonial empire today: summary of our main problems and policies」: CO International Relations Dept paper.Annex: some facts ill ustrating progress to date,May 1950,CO 537/5698,no 69,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vo l.I,p.354.
[72] [Spanish policy towards Gibraltar]: Cabinet conclusions,29 Nov.1954,CAB 128/27/2,CC 80 (54) 5,in David Goldsworth y,CGEE1,Vol.I,pp.319-320.
[73] 「Future constitutional development in the colonies」: report(COprint,GEN 174/012) of the officials』 committee (chairman,Sir N.Brook) (CO(0)(57)5),May 1957,CAB 134/1551,CPC (57)27,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,p.20.
[74] [Gibraltar: constitutional forward t hinking]: minute by N.B.J.Huijsman (CO),1 June 1960,CO 926/769,in Ro nald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,pp.796-797.
[75] 「Gibraltar」: memorandum by Mr Greenwood for Cabin et Defence and Oversea Policy Committee on the dispute with Spain and it s impact on the colony,22 Feb.1965,CAB 148/20,OPD (65)44,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.129-131.
[76] 「Gibraltar」: Commonwealth Office brief by J.S.Bennett f or Mr Thomson on the impending referendum in Gibraltar,8 Sept.1967,FCO 4 2/110/1,no 1,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.131-134.
[77] [territorial claim against British possessions]: minute b y Sir H.Poynton,commenting on a CROpaper,15 Dec.1949,CO 537/4735,no 21,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.II,pp.455-456.
[78] 「Federation of West Indies」: memorandum b y P.Rogers (CO),12 Feb.1946,CO 318/466/2,no 9,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,pp.123-130.
[79] [British Honduras: constitutional advance and future status]: minutes of Cabinet Colonial Policy Committee meeting,5 Apr.1962,CAB 134/1561,CPC 7(62)1,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,pp.374-376.
[80] [Boundary dispute between British Honduras and Guatemala]: COaide memoire for Guatemala Foreign Minister,about current British polic y,6 Nov.1958,CO 1031/2599,no 507,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.I,pp.367-368.
[81] [Falkland Islands]: minute by J.S.Bennett on claims to the Falklands and the Falkland island dependencies,3 Jan.1948,CO 936/30/3,no 13,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.III,p.175.
[82] [Falkland Islands]: letter from C.M.Rose (FO) to F.J.Stephens (MoD) a bout contingency planning,19 Aug.1964,FO 371/179124,no 9,in Ronald Hyam and W.R.Louis,CGEE2,Vol.II,pp.376-377.
[83] Falkl and Islands Review (the 「Franks Report」),para.25,recited in John Dar win,Britain and the Decolonization: the Retreat from Empire in the PostWar World,New York,1988,p.312.
[84] 「Anglo-Argentine discussions」: record b y Trafford Smith of a meeting at Church House,Westminster between Mrs Ha rt and Brigadier McLoughlin and Dr Ruda,24 July 1967,FCO 42/45,no 169,in S.R.Ashton and W.R.Louis,ESC,Vol.III,pp.143-145.
[85] 「The colonial empire today: summary of our main problems and polic ies」: CO International Relations Dept paper.Annex: some facts illustrat ing progress to date,May 1950,CO 537/5698,no 69,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.I,pp.346-347.
[86] W.R.Louis,「Hong Kong: the Critical Phase,1945-1949」,American Historical Review,Vol.102,No.4,(Oct.1997),pp.1052-1084.
[87] A Report to the National Security Council by the acting Secretary of State on British views respecting Hong Kong,Sept.27,1949,Nat ional Security Archive,George Washington University.
[88] [An approach to Commonwealth Governments about support for Hong Kong policy]: minute by Mr Noel-Baker (CRO) to Mr Attlee,12 May 1949,DO 121/23,pp 227-234,in R.Hyam,LGEE1,Vol.II,pp.388-391.
[89] 關於中英在香港問題上的博弈,參閱張順洪等:《大英帝國的瓦解——英國的非殖民化與香港問題》,社會科學文獻出版社,1997年,第190-236頁。