
2024-10-08 14:30:27 作者: (英)約翰·馬里奧特 格蘭特·羅伯遜



  The Plates in the large historical Atlases of SprunerMenke,Droysen, Schrader, and The Clarendon Press (edited by R. L. Poole.This last has an explanatory text in English to each Plate).

  The Cambridge Modern History Atlas (with prefatory text,which is a supplementary volume to the Cambridge Modern History).

  A Historical Atlas of Modern Europe (from 1789-1914) by C.Grant Robertson and J. G. Bartholomew, Oxford, The Clarendon Press. (This Atlas contains Plates illustrating the evolution of Germany and Prussia, the Partitions of Poland, &c., with a prefatory text and bibhography of works on historical geography. Price 35. 6d.)

  Th. Schade, Atlas zur Geschichte des Preussischen Staates. (12 good Plates confined to purely Prussian history.)

  W. Fix, Tcrritorial-Geschicbte des Preussischen Staates.



  The German and Prussian history chapters in The Cambridge Modern History (which have a very full but indiscriminating bibliography of the historical literature) and in Rambaud and Lavisse, Histoire générate (vols. 4-12, also with bibhographies of the hterature).

  A. Waddington, Histoire de Prusse, vol. i. (Prussian history down to 1688. The other volumes have not yet appeared.)

  H.Tuttle, History of Prussia. (From the beginning to the accession of Frederick the Great.)

  L.von Ranke, History of Prussia. (Eng. transl. in 3 vols.Remains still the best general book on the subject.)

  H. Prutz, Preussische Geschichte. (4 vols., not translated. A very suggestive, impartial, and critical narrative.)

  T. Carlyle, Frederick the Great. 8 vols. (The first volume and a half contain a brilliant sketch of Prussian history previous to 1740.)

  E. Denis, La Formation de VEmpire allemand. (The best single volume on German and Prussian history from 1815-71.)

  C. T. Atkinson, History of Germany, 1715-1815. I vol. (Deals very largely with the military history.)

  In the Historical Series edited by W. Oncken—Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen—the volumes by B.Erdmannsdorffer (1648-1740) and by W. Oncken (1740-86, 1789-1815, 1815-90) deal in detail with Prussian history, but none of this important series have been translated into English.

  E. Lavisse, Etudes sur l'histoire de Prusse. I vol. (Brilliant and suggestive.)
